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Is There a Fine for Parking on Double Yellow Lines?

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Not sure what to do after getting a council parking fine for parking on double yellow lines? This article is here to help. Every month, over 130,000 people come to us for advice on parking fines and tickets.

We’ll provide simple advice on:

  • The rules about parking on double yellow lines.
  • If you need to pay the fine.
  • How to make an appeal against the parking fine.
  • Possible outcomes if you don’t pay the fine.
  • Ways to avoid a double yellow line fine in the future.

In 2021, Churchill Motor Insurance reported an 8% increase in penalty charge notices (PCNs) in Britain, with over 5.2 million issued.1 So you’re not alone.

Don’t worry; we’re here to guide you with useful information and examples. Let’s find out more about parking fines and what you can do about them.

Most Ticket Appeals Succeed

In some circumstances, you might have a legitimate reason not to pay your fine.

It’s a bit sneaky, but the last time I needed legal advice, I paid £5 for a trial to chat with an online solicitor called JustAnswer.

Not only did I save £50 on solicitor fees, I also won my case and didn’t have to pay my £271 fine.

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*According to Martin Lewis, 56% of people who try to appeal their ticket are successful and get the charge overturned, so it’s well worth a try.

Can you be fined for parking on double yellow lines?

Because you’re not supposed to stop or park on double yellow lines, it is considered a traffic violation in many circumstances, so you can be issued a fine for doing so

These fines can be hefty, so you’ll want to avoid getting one. You won’t be fined for parking on double yellow lines if you meet one of the exceptions mentioned above. 

Who can fine you for parking on double yellow lines?

You’re most likely to be fined by the local council and their parking enforcement teams for parking on double yellow lines when not permitted, which is, in most cases, for most drivers.†

What happens if you get caught parked on double yellow lines?

The local council can issue you a Penalty Charge Notice for the parking contravention. These might be sent in the post but will likely be served to you in person. 

A council parking warden, officially known as a Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO), will leave the council parking ticket on your vehicle’s windshield.

You’ll have up to 28 days to pay the parking fine, and if you don’t, you’ll be sent a charge certificate which increases the fine by 50% of its value. 

You could also be served with a Fixed Penalty Notice by a police officer. These are different to Penalty Charge Notices. They offer you the chance to accept a fine instead of going to the Magistrates’ Court over the matter. 

Successful Appeal Case Study


Initial Fine £100
Additional Fees £171
Total Fine £271

The Appeal Process

Scott used JustAnswer, online legal service to enhance his appeal. The trial of this cost him just £5.

Total Fine £271
Cost of legal advice £5

JustAnswer helped Scott craft the best appeal possible and he was able to win his case.

Scott’s fine was cancelled and he only paid £5 for the legal help.

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In partnership with Just Answer.

Can Blue Badge holders park on any double yellow lines?

Blue Badge holders may park on single or double yellow lines for up to three hours if it is safe. However, it must not be within 15 metres of a junction or where there are restrictions on loading or unloading. These areas are indicated by yellow kerb dashes and/or signs on plates.

The specifics of where and how long a Blue Badge holder can park on double yellow lines can vary depending on local regulations, so it’s important to check local signage and council guidance for accurate details specific to the area you are in.

How much is the fine for parking on double yellow lines?

Penalty Charge Notices can cost the motorist anywhere between £50 and £80, depending on location and the seriousness of the offence.

Councils typically see parking on double yellow lines as a more serious offence compared to running out of time on paid-for parking. The cost implications of parking incorrectly are set to deter individuals from such actions. From my experience, you can therefore expect to pay the higher end of these fines.

But the fine can be halved if you agree to pay within 14 days. This means you could end up paying around £40 instead of £80. But remember, if you don’t pay within 28 days, the fine is increased by 50%, meaning you could end up paying £120.

If you don’t pay the increased fine within 14 additional days, the council can ask for a court order that makes you responsible to pay or face debt enforcement action, such as bailiffs. Things can get a lot more expensive at this stage, so the way I see it, it’s not a good idea to let it get to this stage!

Is parking on double yellow lines a criminal offence?

Parking on double yellow lines isn’t a criminal offence.†You won’t get a criminal record or points on your license when you are served with a Penalty Charge Notice.

Can you appeal a double yellow line fine?

Motorists have certain legal rights when it comes to challenging fines. You can legally challenge a Penalty Charge Notice within 28 days of it being served, which is the same amount of time you’re given to pay.

But if you’re going to pay, make sure to do it within 14 days to take advantage of the discounted rate.†

You’ll need to appeal with a good reason why the PCN should be withdrawn. For example, you might tell them that your car was broken down. But this would then need to be backed up with evidence, such as a report or invoice from a mechanic. 

Here you can see that this forum user on MoneySavingExpert has been issued a PCN for parking on double yellow lines and is looking for advice on whether it is worth appealing it.

There isn’t a formal appeals process against a Fixed Penalty Notice. However, you can still challenge an FPN by not paying and waiting to be summoned to court, where you can present your case to the magistrate.

Appeal Process Steps

If you want to appeal your PCN, it’s crucial to understand the process. That’s why I’ve created this quick table that explains the steps you should follow. If you want to learn more about PCNs, don’t forget to check out our specialized guide.

Can you park on double yellow lines on Sundays and bank holidays?

Parking restrictions, like the double yellow line rule, are enforced even on Sundays and bank holidays, so you cannot park on double yellow lines on Sundays or holidays.

Does the parking ticket 5-Minute Rule apply to a double yellow line fine?

No, the parking ticket 5-minute rule only applies if you have parked correctly and paid a fee which wouldn’t apply to parking on double yellow lines.

Can you park on single yellow lines?

Single yellow lines indicate that parking is only allowed during certain hours of the day. 

There will be an upright sign on the road with a single yellow line. This sign should state at which times of the day you’re allowed to park on the single yellow line. These times will likely be early mornings, late evenings and possibly weekends. 

No set time is used throughout the UK, so you’ll have to pay attention to the roadside sign in your location. 

These signs will often also state how long you are allowed to park there within these allowed times and if you cannot return within a specified time, for example, ‘No return within 1 hour.’

Make sure you are clear on these rules on a specific sign before parking there, or you could be fined. Local bylaws might have specific timings or rules regarding parking on single yellow lines, so don’t automatically presume they are all the same.

Is there a fine for parking on double yellow lines? (Quick recap)

Summary of parking rules and regulations for double yellow lines in the UK:

  • Parking or waiting on double yellow lines is prohibited in most cases for most people.
  • The most common exception is for Blue Badge holders, who can often park on single or double yellow lines for up to three hours. 
  • You can be fined for parking on double yellow lines.
  • A council parking warden might issue you with a Penalty Charge Notice, or a police officer could issue you with a Fixed Penalty Notice
  • The cost of these fines differs; only a Penalty Charge Notice has a set appeals process.
  • If you disagree with a Fixed Penalty Notice, you may have to attend the Magistrates’ Court.


  1. Direct Line Group — Parking Fines Statistics


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Scott Nelson is a renowned debt expert who supports people in debt with debt management and debt solution resources.